april 23

uhh i’m too lazy to write about what i did on caltech friday .-. honestly thursday was more fun than friday LOL i dunno why

last night i was working on an update letter for harvard (i was waitlisted). i kept getting really frustrated because everything i wrote seemed cliche and not very persuasive /: i tried to be specific (writing about labs i want to conduct research in)… but ugh, it seems that so many other students are more qualified than i am. there’s a very very small chance that harvard will even resort to the waitlist ): so i’m not hoping for much and focusing on stanford instead, hooray!

speaking of stanford, i leave for stanford admit days at 6am tomorrow morning! that equates to very little sleep tonight, but it’s a sacrifice i must make.

as a sidenote, i’m hoping to check out chinatown in san francisco on saturday.

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